WOW. There is now over 30,000 LIKES on our DiMeo Farms Facebook profile now. That’s so much for your support. We love our customers. It’s such an honor to host many of you who drive out (or fly out) to visit our DiMeo blueberry farms and blueberry plant garden center. Another hard working mother brought her two daughters to DiMeo’s pick your own blueberry farms and blueberry plant garden center to teach the girls how to grow blueberries at home with the best 100% natural blueberry bushes (BIG Bearing-Size blueberry bushes for only $10) from REAL blueberry farmers, STILL TIME TO PLANT call us now: (609) 561-5905 and buy blueberry plants that are made from real blueberry farmers with many years of blueberry growing experience
DiMeo Farms (609) 561-5905